Meet Flagship
Based on the popular Beechcraft BE-36 Bonanza and BE-58 Baron models, the one-G Flagship™ can be used to replicate any typical Single-Engine-Land and Multi-Engine-Land Complex aircraft in terms of overall functionality, avionics and instrumentation.
FAA certification was an important milestone for one-G's iconic original simulator. The fabrication and certification process layed the groundwork for our distinctive and precise engineering.
device type:
FAA approved AATD
base model:
Beechcraft BE-36
Beechcraft BE-58
starting price:
Contact one-G today for available package information and pricing details
Instruments & Avionics
Beyond the realistic flight modeling, cockpit features will be familiar to both Bonanza and Baron pilots.
‣ Complete instrument panel
‣ Fully functional GPS, radios and transponder
‣ Single or multi-engine instrument display
‣ High fidelity force feedback control loading provides highly realistic control yoke feel
Total Immersion
Instructor Operating Station
‣ Instantly re-create any flight scenario
‣ Simulate in-flight emergencies
‣ Full control over weather conditions
‣ Realistically fail instruments and aircraft systems
‣ Review flight path and actions
Above & Beyond
The Flagship™ is the ideal training device for any flight department, school, and even for your home.